That's my dog - A Taiwanese Tugo [with a bit of Huskie]

For what it is worth,
my avitar has a photo of my dog - Shao Hei.
Forgive me for being so, but I am very proud of the guy -- wonderful personality and intelligent.
If you look carefully, you will see that he has one blue eye and one brown eye.
This is because one of his parents was a Huskie and the other a local street dog.
The Taiwanese believe his Yin-Yang eyes can see ghost, but sadly his white feet are considered unlucky as the will take money out of the home.
I prefer to think those eyes reverse his bad luck and make it into good forture. (He certainly makes a lot of new friends for me where ever I go)
G. Herzog in Taiwan
my avitar has a photo of my dog - Shao Hei.
Forgive me for being so, but I am very proud of the guy -- wonderful personality and intelligent.
If you look carefully, you will see that he has one blue eye and one brown eye.
This is because one of his parents was a Huskie and the other a local street dog.
The Taiwanese believe his Yin-Yang eyes can see ghost, but sadly his white feet are considered unlucky as the will take money out of the home.
I prefer to think those eyes reverse his bad luck and make it into good forture. (He certainly makes a lot of new friends for me where ever I go)
G. Herzog in Taiwan
I'm more of a cat person(cats doesn't need to be taken out for walks...), but he looks nice.
Parallax IT Dept.
Parallax IT Dept.
You can have a bot make a pathway for the post man, run off that noisy cats at 3AM, or chase the dogs off your lawn.
Shao Hei definitely does not like my toddler - Taiwan Todd. Bots just seem to make him nervous.
I had a cat [noparse][[/noparse]called Sock] that I bought a wind-up mouse to play with -- but it was the same thing.
It ran for high ground. Regular mice were okay.
By the way... they say.....
Cats have a great deal of contempt for any animal that can only wag its tail side by side.
On the other hand, if you feed a cat, it remebers what it ate.
If you feed a dog, it remembers you.
I'd rather have the friendship though I have had a good cat friendship too.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Parallax IT Dept.
A animal control bot is kinda cool, an animal controlled bot would be even more cool... I read about a researcher who has interfeced with a monkey's mind to control a simple arm, now if only that amount of control was possible with contact sensors... *dreams of a day when cats control little "mouse bots" ... Dreams of the day a dog can turn a light on and off with thought ... worries about a day when robots conrolled by animals enslave man kind*
It could be tied to the telephone and you could dial in and feed remotely.
The Japanese are advertising one such item for 60,000YEN ( a mere $500 plus USD)
Actually, decoding the telephone with X10 interfacing (BS2p) you could control a lot of things when away from home,
and you could tie them all into your IR remote control as well when you are home.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Post Edited (Herzog) : 8/23/2004 1:25:10 PM GMT
We once had a cat that jumped up onto the banister and used the doorbell when he wanted to get in.
The cat we have now knows hot to open a door that has been left slightly ajar, but refuses to do it herself if anyone is nearby to open it for her.
The big difference between cats and dogs is that you can teach a dog just about any trick, but a cat will only learn what it believes to be advantageous to itself. (Taking orders is considered 'not advantageous' by cats)