New to the Stamp and want more.
Hewwo.· I have just recently purchased the "What's a Microcontroller" Book and Kit from my local Radio Shack.· It came with the Basic Stamp II Homework Board.· I have never used Microcontrollers before, but I flew through the book and comprehended all of it.· I even took extra steps to expand the projects and come up with a couple of my own.· I also have an old "300-in-1 Electronics Lab" that came with a huge breadboard, multiple LEDs, pushbuttons, a transformer, antenna, coils, and even photoresistor, and speakers, etc, etc.· I also want to get into PIC programming being that I seem to have had such good experience learning the stamp.· I want to integrate the two.· My question is this.· I want to use my Basic Stamp II Homework board, and the other kit's breadboard if needed, to program various PIC Micros.· I believe it can be done.· I know how the Stamp is programed and how it executes it's programming and how PICs are programed, but I want to create a project that would make it possible to place a PIC of some kind, it would be nice for all PICs but that is probably stretching it, onto the breadboard and simply using the Stamp and a small porgram to transfer a PIC's program from the PC to the PIC.· Is this possible with the technology I have?· If so, I would love to accomplish this.· I would rather use my Stamp to program my PICs than have to go to another company and buy a specialized expensive PIC programmer.· I thank you for your time.
Anyways, I dont know if you like these kind of things but have a look at this:
Im going to order me one before long.
But for your printed circuit boards you can go to radioshack and get a kit for like $15. It comes with prety much everything you need, 2 blank boards, etchant solution, alchohol, drill bit, sharpie, abrasive pad.
The only other thing you might need is the dry rub transfers (about $3-4), you dont neccesarilly need them but your boards will look better if you use them instead of trying to hand draw the patterns.
The K8048 does the programming without an extra microcontroller, it uses only a few transistors and resistors.
So why bother to put in an extra Stamp? You will have more fun using the Stamp for really nice projects. And besides, a K8048 will probably cost you less than a BS2
You can find all the details of the K8048 on the web.
So yes, it is possible to program a PIC (or probably anything else within reason) with the Stamp.
Al Williams
Robert W. Williams
The parts required are trivial (outside of the Stamp and a PC, of course). You need 2 or 3 resistors, a 2N2222, and optionally a common diode if you want to get 12V off the PC (which doesn't always work -- depends on your PC). The real key, of course, is the software which is on the book's CDROM.
Keep in mind that this only programs 16F84s, although you could probably adapt it to do others if you dig in deep enough to understand how it works. We have a lot of resources on the successors to this kit at .
Al Williams
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Post Edited (Al Williams/AWC) : 8/12/2004 1:16:51 PM GMT
Sid Weaver
USB-powered Stamp Board
Sid Weaver
USB-powered Stamp Board