Table driven menu classes
I have uploaded four files to
that allow the creation·of a tabledriven multilevel menu and to
navigate that menu.
The navigation is completely seperated from any key bindings or
application specific requirements. I do have some keypad and
display/lcd classes ready but they must be prepared to work with these
menu classes.
In the mean time I'd like some comments on the used·table setup.
regards peter
I have uploaded four files to
that allow the creation·of a tabledriven multilevel menu and to
navigate that menu.
The navigation is completely seperated from any key bindings or
application specific requirements. I do have some keypad and
display/lcd classes ready but they must be prepared to work with these
menu classes.
In the mean time I'd like some comments on the used·table setup.
regards peter
The keyboard classes are here:
The display classes are here:
The menu classes are here:
The text classes are here:
The demonstration test program communicates with hyperterminal. A 20x4 LCD screen is simulated in hyperterminal. This screen is divided in areas (that are of type display also) that each display a specific menu part: menu title, item name, item value and menu mode. The application program only needs to provide methods that present itemvalues in a user readable form. Editing of these values and displaying them is done by the MenuControl class.
Compared to Java AWT classes, my classes are compact and only targeted towards a text interface. Trying to isolate text classes from AWT was impossible because of the AWT complexity and·overhead.
regards peter.