Need to locate someone I talk with a few days ago

Can anyone suggest how I can locate a posting I made to someone a few days ago?
They were asking for some particular parts, but I cannot seemed to find them.
I am beginning to wonder if they were here or on the Yahoo BasicStamp site.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
They were asking for some particular parts, but I cannot seemed to find them.
I am beginning to wonder if they were here or on the Yahoo BasicStamp site.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Sid Weaver
New item !· The Stamp Tester !
Parallax IT Dept.
Parallax IT Dept.
Parallax IT Dept.
I only get the last Five posts (which is no good because I didn't know about the limit or I would have used the option before it because useless)
I suppost that there are performance trade offs in how much one can store, how much one can search, and how much one can sort.
In sum, five seems fine to me. -- BUT, I still can't find that message. I'll try search.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Parallax IT Dept.
·· When I enter my ID it doesn't find anything...I think the Search feature still needs a bit of work...
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
I used the second option - Any word..................
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Post Edited (Jon Williams) : 8/11/2004 2:38:11 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
When I search "Posted by" with someone else's name -· no problem.
When I search "Posted by" or "Posts" but use my own name -- NOTHING!
And yet, I see under my Avitar that I have posted 14 messages since I signed on.
So we appear to have a situation that you may not search under your own name.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
I think that the earch engine is having some difficulty with your screen name. It appears that the punctuation at the beginning of your screen name is removed before the search is run.
Parallax IT Dept.
I will change my screen name if I want to fully use this feature.
Human creative abilities to confound appear to be among of the reasons that the British have so much contempt for the computer [noparse][[/noparse]consider it really a dumb box]
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Yes, I have mastered the complex, run-on sentence. [noparse];)[/noparse])
Parallax IT Dept.
Okay, I will change my name and do a test run for you.
Please forgive my English. It seems the longer I am in Asia, the less I can say with the mother tongue.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Please forgive me for confounding everyone.
G. Herzog in Taiwan