Newbe Help
Hello everyone
I am new to robotics and have only been researching the subject for about a week
I have a background in web type programming html java etc. and looks quite similar
I would like to buy a kit to get started but am a little overwhelmed over the different choices
Can anyone recommend a good starter kit that’s expandable with everything needed to get started
I am new to robotics and have only been researching the subject for about a week
I have a background in web type programming html java etc. and looks quite similar
I would like to buy a kit to get started but am a little overwhelmed over the different choices

Can anyone recommend a good starter kit that’s expandable with everything needed to get started
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Just orderd it with the Tank treads and Ultrasonic Range Finder
So glad you guys started this forum you will probably see a lot of please help posts from me in the near future
All kidding aside, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with your BOE-Bot.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Can the Roboarm
work with this kit?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
One of the neatest things about the BoeBot is controlling it with a Sony Remote TV controller.· I· participated in the review of the new "IR for the BotBot" manual for Parallax, and have an advance .pdf file of it.· If you like, I can send you a copy - it walks you through the whole process, and there is an abundance of sample codes for each phase.· The manual is basically complete, although it is subject to change prior to the final printing.· A real goldmine of information if you are interested in IR control.
Sid Weaver
New item !· The Stamp Tester !
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
Sid Weaver
New item !· The Stamp Tester !
Thanks for the replies Jon / Sid
Jut got the kit today like a kid in a candy store
Yes Sid Send it to me please
Sid Weaver
USB-powered Stamp Board
It Took a while and a few adapters (due to my computer I’m sure )
But I have successfully communicated to the Boe-bot
This is Cool
Thanks for the IR for the BotBot manual
Give me a few· years and I will be on your level
The tank tracks I received do not match one tread is slightly longer giving my boe bot an off track circular motion
Even after many adjustments bending etc completely useless
This track accessory needs some improvement IMHO
From a mechanical point of view a difference in the length of the track should not be a problem. The radial velocity of the driving wheel makes the difference.
So, check the diameter of the driving wheels and the speed of the motors. That must give the trouble.
From a mechanical point of view a difference in the length of the track should not be a problem
Thanks for the input
But that holds the tension so the drive wheel can do its job its skipping the teeth in the drive wheel
Its Like a tension on a fan belt without an adjustment
Post Edited (Brad w) : 8/20/2004 1:19:34 AM GMT
Brad, the last guy that posted a message like yours later realized that he had put the wrong size wheels on his Boe-Bot.· There are several extra wheels included in the Tank Tread kit that do not go to· the Boe-Bot application.· You must have something wrong, since they are all built the same.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
Thanks for the input I have the correct wheels on
one tread is just longer
In my opinion the other is too long by a fraction
I am making a work around to fix it