Traditional Chinese Translation help

I am in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Has anyone considered translating the most recent BasicStamp Manual to Traditional Chinese?
If so, I would like to keep in touch.
I am an American that can only read basic Chinese and slowly, but I want to have the information for a Robotics Club in Kaohsiung.
If you are from Hong Kong or Mainland China, I realize that there are a lot of linguistic differences in to consider, but I would still like to take a peek at what you have.· If you are reluctant to send the whole document, you may just select a chapter or two.· Then, we can see if it is useful or if there is a need to start from scratch.
Warm regards,
George Herzog - an American English teacher in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
I am in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Has anyone considered translating the most recent BasicStamp Manual to Traditional Chinese?
If so, I would like to keep in touch.
I am an American that can only read basic Chinese and slowly, but I want to have the information for a Robotics Club in Kaohsiung.
If you are from Hong Kong or Mainland China, I realize that there are a lot of linguistic differences in to consider, but I would still like to take a peek at what you have.· If you are reluctant to send the whole document, you may just select a chapter or two.· Then, we can see if it is useful or if there is a need to start from scratch.
Warm regards,
George Herzog - an American English teacher in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I really thought I was posting this in the Translators forum, but I guess I just didn't get the location right.
I have no way of moving it.
Please forgive the lapse of protocol
G. Herzog in Taiwan