In desperate need of some sample code for serial keypad/LCD

I have a 4x4 Matrix keypad and a Serial character LCD w/Kypd intrfc.· I'm·looking for some·example code that will allow an enduser to:
Enter in the number of data pairs the end user wants to be inputting in total, Then go thru that number·of data entries pairs so that an unfixed size array is filled to the size specified by the user (the size of the array could have a max of say... 10 sets if needed).
Example of my idea of the enduser input:
LCD prompt: Enter number of cycles?
Example of User Entry:·3 + #key (for ENTER KEY)
Prompt:· Enter P1 ____ & T1 ____?
User Entry: a value that is·1,2 or 3 digits long for P1, then an entry 1,2 or 3 characters long for T1
The format must be met or the real time LCD display will be cleared, cursor reset to beginning of that entry location·and be flashing again for re-input.
Upon successful input...
Prompt: Enter P2 & T2?
User enters values just as above.
Prompt: Enter P3 & T3?
User enters values just as above.
Then perhaps a review of the data pairs, pairs displayed one set at·a time, if when viewed by enduser, they are liked hit #key otherwise hit * key for that specific pair editting then resume review at the next pair's beginning... (or something like that- just so the user has an easy way to review and ensure him/herself that it is what they wanted. Once the review is done, hit enter again, or * to go thru the review again... once ther is a final·#(enterkey)·or·double enter keys,·the data set is ready to be used elsewhere in the program.· These numbers will actually be setting some external hardware to a specific pressure for a specifc time (eg. 0 psig, 0 minutes to 165 psig 9 days).· Also it would be good if the user could save that specific "profile" as a reusuable run by hitting the A,B,C of D keys on the keypad.· Of course if there is a saved profile, the enduser would need to be able to review it to make sure prior to executing it.
I know this is a lot to hope for, but I'm hoping someone with advanced BASIC programming skills can quickly give me a huge leap forward.· Unfortunately my programming experience was in TURING about 10 years ago.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office