Will a BS2p work in a Javeline Demo Board?
The subject line says it all.· I tried putting the BS2p in the Javelin Demo Board, but could not get the Parallax P-Basic 2.5 to recognize a stamp was connected.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
·Thanks for the quick answer.· By the way it is P-Basic 2.1 I am using.· Just setting up my Parallax stuff on a new XP computer.· I hadn't used the Demo board in awhile, I just programmed my Stamps in place in their applications.· Thought I would use the demo board to make sure I got all the XP COM stuff right.· You hit the nail on the head, I was using the port labeled COM, rather then the port labeled JIDE.· I will plug the·BASIC Stamp back in and try it with the correct connections.
John Drummond·