LCD Dot Matrix Displays and the BS
Hello everyone.
I am very new to digital electronics and have a few questions.
First of all, I know that it is very simple to connect a serial LCD display to the BASIC Stamp Microcontroller, but is it possible to use an LCD Dot matrix display, specifically one like the one found on any TI-83 Graphing calculator?
If the answer to the above question was true than
·OK, since you can, I have a TI-83 Plus SE graphing calculator that has a functional LCD screen, but the actual calc itself does not work anymore. The LCD module is connected to the calc with a 17 wire ribbon cable. I have had no luck finding a schematic or any other reference that will tell me what those wires are or if they can be used with any other interface. Is there any way to interface the LCD dot matrix screen to the BASIC Stamp?
·Oh well, nevermind then.
Thank you very much for your input,
P.S. Best veiwed on a BLACK background
I do not own any type of Basic Stamp at the moment.
I am very new to digital electronics and have a few questions.

First of all, I know that it is very simple to connect a serial LCD display to the BASIC Stamp Microcontroller, but is it possible to use an LCD Dot matrix display, specifically one like the one found on any TI-83 Graphing calculator?
If the answer to the above question was true than


Thank you very much for your input,
P.S. Best veiwed on a BLACK background
I do not own any type of Basic Stamp at the moment.
I do not own any type of Basic Stamp at the moment.
Controlling a dot matrix LCD is no trivial task, and probably not the best use of the BASIC Stamp -- a dedicated controller (with serial interface) is a more efficient solution. SEETRON ( makes graphic LCDs that work well with the BASIC Stamp.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I do not own any type of Basic Stamp at the moment.
Parallax IT Dept.