BOE SIL breadboard connector
The BOE, and many other Parallax boards, has black connectors, each with a·single row of sockets, next to the breadboard area to allow wires to be connected to stamp pin connections, Vss, Vdd etc. I have been trying to find such connectors for making a prototyping board but they seem·difficult to find in the UK and small orders are impossible to place with large suppliers without massive costs in delivery, minimum order charges etc. 
Standard SIP connectors are intended for ICs and do not take the varying lead diameters that a breadboard can. Does any one know how or where I can obtain a few such 'SIL breadboard' connectors? Can Parallax reveal their source?
Thanks for any info.
Isle of Man, British Isles

Standard SIP connectors are intended for ICs and do not take the varying lead diameters that a breadboard can. Does any one know how or where I can obtain a few such 'SIL breadboard' connectors? Can Parallax reveal their source?

Thanks for any info.
Isle of Man, British Isles
We do ship to the UK, but I agree that for 1 or 2, it is probably not worth it. 3M makes these (although not necessarily the ones we have) and they are called female headers.
Al Williams
I am in Taiwan and I can by a package of two or three offthe shelf for merely $1US or so.
How many pins do you want -- 16? These are not truly 'breadboard connections' - the are for those square pins spaced in a row and similar to what are used on the 16 pin LEDs to plug into a motherboard (I hope I am clear)
After AirMail international postage, it will still double the cost.
If you care to barter...
(What do you have in Merrie Old England or on the Isle of Man that would interest me, an American in Taiwan?),
I can find the time to buy a package, put them in the air mail, and declare them as a gift (duty free, right?)
The part number for the 1x16 header is
Sid Weaver
Low cost RF Tx/Rx