Can the Stamp act as a IR Remote
I am a Stamp newbie and don't know if this is possible, or complicated.
I need to build a circuit that will recive about 20 differant IR codes from one remote control, and then·broadcast one·20 recriprical IR commands.
Is this possible with the Stamp? Should I use the IR buddy or something else.
Any help or info would be greatly appreciated, since as mentiond earlier, this is all new to me.
I need to build a circuit that will recive about 20 differant IR codes from one remote control, and then·broadcast one·20 recriprical IR commands.
Is this possible with the Stamp? Should I use the IR buddy or something else.
Any help or info would be greatly appreciated, since as mentiond earlier, this is all new to me.
I just need to send 16 codes though, 0-9 volume up/down channel up/down and power on/off.
By the way im a newb too so if somone replys please explain it in newbmans terms.
As an alternative, take a look at our TWS/RWS system.· Simple to install, uses serin and serout.
Sid Weaver
check out our 4-digit serial LED
I found it very useful so thought maybe it might help you guys also.
Regards Nigel
Parallax is on the brink of releasing a 150-page educational tutorial on infrared communication. This text shows the ins and outs of decoding the Sony infrared remote control. It does not demonstrate how to mimic an infrared remote control, however. If our customers like you make this request we will also add the 555 timer and parts to do this in the next revision.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
In the meantime, try this: which also demonstrates Stamp to Stamp communication via infrared. See the last couple of pages in this document which demonstrate send/receive with pulse width modulation.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (jakjr) : 8/10/2004 8:22:57 PM GMT