Understanding Signals-asynch. question
I am super-new to the microcontroller world and surrounding areas...right now I am going through the Understanding Signals 'class' and am wondering...
Within asynchronous serial communication what are some useful applications for both inverted and·non-inverted data, is one used more often than the other and if so,·why? *ducks*

Within asynchronous serial communication what are some useful applications for both inverted and·non-inverted data, is one used more often than the other and if so,·why? *ducks*
Non-inverted data is usually (0volts,+5volts) and normally used for one microcontroller to talk to another microcontroller.
Most microcontrollers use non-inverted logic, and a high level (5 volts) corresponds to logical 1 and a low level (0 volts) is logical 0. To interface that to a standard asychronous line, it has to be inverted, so +5 volts input becomes -12 volts, or -5 volts, or 0 volts output. That is done by interface chips like the circuit on p16 on the BASIC Stamp, or external circuits like the MAX232 driver chip that both inverts and increases the voltage levels.
Some standards, like RS485 transmit both an inverted and a non-inverted signal at the same time over a pair of wires, a differential mode that is more immune to noise interference and ground loops.
There are a lot of options, and you just have to read carefully and ask questions and be able to use a meter to check what is going on. If you are designing your own system to have two stamps talk to one another, you can do whatever you want to make it work. On the other hand, if you need to send and receive messages to a PC that is located out on a factory floor where they are testing van de graaf generators, you will need to follow lthe rules to be sure the signal is understood and uncorrupted on the other end.
-- Tracy
Tracy Allen