Stamp Items for Sale
This thread was started with the permission of the Forum Administrator.
You may list any items you wish to sell, but they must be Stamp-related.
When you are listing, please indicate price in $USD
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You may list any items you wish to sell, but they must be Stamp-related.
When you are listing, please indicate price in $USD
You may also list any item you are looking to purchase.
Since there are a few of us on the list that do offer supporting or Stamp Accessories, this thread offers people a way to find out what others can offer.
Of course, check out our website
Maybe a separate forum for this stuff would be best.· I'd hate to see this single thread filled with bunches of messages with people selling different things or asking for different things.·
This would make it really hard to follow a single thread....and moving to a separate forum would let a person subscribe to their posting to see who replied to their post (easier to determine people that were interested in purchasing their junk! [noparse];)[/noparse]
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Are you looking for a digital readout?· Do you have a regular bench supply (with just voltage readouts)?
I've hooked up a small current analog meter to my supply and it lets me see some nice surges/pulses in my projects (have had to do build some RF projects running on battery/solar and it helped to know the peak draws during transmit!).
I know it's nice to have these things all in one housing...but a small L bracket would nicely hold an analog Current meter.
Just a thought!!
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Parallax IT Dept.
FS: - for sale
FT: - for trade
WTB: - wanted to buy
WTT: - wanted to trade
FA: - for auction (although hopefully there won't be a lot of those - then this forum becomes an ebay proxy).
I'm looking for a Type A male USB connector I can mount on a PC board and then plug a USB cable into.· I could use a female connector if I had a male to·male adapter.
New 2x20 LCD with special pluggable backpack.· Contact me off Forum if interested.
and an 8 pack!
USA Sales only, contact me via listing if need be.
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 8/7/2004 11:27:59 PM GMT