Communicating with BS2 using Hyperterminal V5.1
Has anyone successfully used Hyperterminal version 5.1 to communicate with a BS2?·
I have set the com port and baud settings as required but I cannot get any data through.· I have used older versions of hyperterminal with no problems before so I am not sure what the problem is.
Please help.
I have set the com port and baud settings as required but I cannot get any data through.· I have used older versions of hyperterminal with no problems before so I am not sure what the problem is.
Please help.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Post Edited (Jon Williams) : 7/27/2004 12:20:10 PM GMT
It works extremely well with data logging since Excel can handle up to 60,000 entries.· If I can help you please contact me off-line.
Sid Weaver
check out our 4-digit serial LED
You can modify by added two capacitor 0.1uF on pin3 of BS2
as new Parallax BOE do..
first capacitor series between pin3(BS2) with DTR(pin4 of DB-9 RS232)
another capacitor connect to pin3(BS2) to GND
they cause pulse on reset pin..