additional information requested in notification message subject line
Please conisder changing the notification message from the generic
"Parallax Forums Reply Post Notification"
to include useful rule-based sorting information such as the forum name and the thread title.
Other than the '&f=' in the link, there is no indication of which forum generated the message.
With this information in the subject line, simple e-mail reader rules could be constructed to sort the forum notifications for subsequent processing.
Best Regards,
"Parallax Forums Reply Post Notification"
to include useful rule-based sorting information such as the forum name and the thread title.
Other than the '&f=' in the link, there is no indication of which forum generated the message.
With this information in the subject line, simple e-mail reader rules could be constructed to sort the forum notifications for subsequent processing.
Best Regards,
The forum name and topic title do appear near the top of the message body. These bits can be placed on the subject line. The change can make the subject line somewhat long. How do you envision the subject line? For example:
Forum_Name [noparse][[/noparse]NewPost] Subject
However, not all notifications follow actually agree with your statement about that info appearing in the body.· One notification from today with no such information:
Hello daniel,
You are receiving this e-mail since you subscribed to the thread titled
"Can't subscribe to an empty forum?" on the Parallax Forums forum and
Forum Administrator just posted a new reply.
You will not receive another message regarding additional posts on this
thread until you view this thread again.
To view this reply message, click on the link below :
and another from today with the information:
Hello daniel,
You are receiving this e-mail since you subscribed to the forum titled
"BASIC Stamp" on the Parallax Forums forum and aridaios just posted a
message on the thread titled "SFR08 working conditions".
You will not receive another message regarding additional posts on this
thread until you view this thread again.
To view this new posting, click on the link below :
and another received around 4:30pm Eastern time yesterday from the same forum #5 shows a different format:
Hello daniel,
You are receiving this e-mail since you subscribed to the thread titled
"Subscriptions" on the Parallax Forums forum and ChipCircuit just posted
a new reply.
You will not receive another message regarding additional posts on this
thread until you view this thread again.
To view this reply message, click on the link below :
I think I see the difference:· forum subscriptions have more complete descriptive information than do thread subscriptions.
Perhaps the two notifications could have the same essential content.
Best Regards,
It looks like·the forum-level subscription message does contain the forum name. It's in quotes in the first sentence of the message; in this case a messge from the BASIC Stamp forum.
Hello daniel,
You are receiving this e-mail since you subscribed to the forum titled
"BASIC Stamp" on the Parallax Forums forum and aridaios just posted a
message on the thread titled "SFR08 working conditions".
You will not receive another message regarding additional posts on this
thread until you view this thread again.
To view this new posting, click on the link below :
We want some differentiation in the messages to allow a member to know if the message is a topic subscription or a forum subscription. Otherwise, the details about the post should be consistient between the two types of messages. I'll take a look at it while the topic-level message is getting revised.
Best regards,
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]forum_name]:Topic
Hello <member_name>,
<posting_user_name> has posted a new message on the Parallax Forums to
the <forum_name> forum in a thread titled <thread_subject>.
To view this new post, click on the link below:
You will not receive another message regarding additional posts to this
thread until you view this thread again.
You are receiving this e-mail because you have subscribed to the <forum_name>
forum. Problems or complaints about the forum? Send an e-mail to <admin_email>.
It might help to quickly cut through the visual clutter of the grammatically correct prose if the <forum_name> in the body had the same delimiters as in the subject line--which would be my preference.