I am set up in timezone GMT-5, but did a whole hour pass from the time that replies were posted till the notification was sent?
The server is in California, so it is set at GMT-8. IF you're GMT-5, then the 2:57PM time stamp would be within a minute of the reply to your post. I don't think you get notified of your own posts.
Does the 'Notify me of reply postings' need to be checkes for each subsequent post, or does doing it once subscribe for the entire thread?
The subscription applies to the entire topic (thread).
It's 12:34 on the left coast right now. You should get a notification about this post stamped at around 3:35 PM in your time zone. Let's see if that is what happens.· I'll bet we have a Daylight Savings time issue at one end of the other.
It's now about 3:46 by my computer's clock, the reply-notification is timestamped as sent and received at 3:36.
My machine was last synchronized with time.windows.com on 21-JUL-2004, and the local computer settings are for GMT-5 with daylight savings automatically adjusted for.
I noted in the profile settings only one Eastern time, and it included Bogota.
In my WinXP system, there are three GMT-5 settings, Bogota, Indiana, and Eastern time.·
I just ran a time synchronization, and the new time was just a few seconds different from the old time.
You found a bug in the dotNetBB software. It doesn't deal with DST. We wouldn't see the issue for a few months if we had launched the site in November. I have a patch and will begin testing it shortly.
I received now one notification marked as 'sent' at 2:57 pm.
I am set up in timezone GMT-5, but did a whole hour pass from the time that replies were posted till the notification was sent?
Does the 'Notify me of reply postings' need to be checkes for each subsequent post, or does doing it once subscribe for the entire thread?
I did not check it for this response.
The server is in California, so it is set at GMT-8. IF you're GMT-5, then the 2:57PM time stamp would be within a minute of the reply to your post. I don't think you get notified of your own posts.
Does the 'Notify me of reply postings' need to be checkes for each subsequent post, or does doing it once subscribe for the entire thread?
The subscription applies to the entire topic (thread).
It's 12:34 on the left coast right now. You should get a notification about this post stamped at around 3:35 PM in your time zone. Let's see if that is what happens.· I'll bet we have a Daylight Savings time issue at one end of the other.
My machine was last synchronized with time.windows.com on 21-JUL-2004, and the local computer settings are for GMT-5 with daylight savings automatically adjusted for.
I noted in the profile settings only one Eastern time, and it included Bogota.
In my WinXP system, there are three GMT-5 settings, Bogota, Indiana, and Eastern time.·
I just ran a time synchronization, and the new time was just a few seconds different from the old time.