BS2p24 and Baud Rate
I bought a couple of the "scratch and dent" BS2p24 stamps from Parallax. Hope to use one in place of an existing BS2 for faster serial I/O. Currently I can do reliable I/O at 2400 baud. The BS2p is about 3X faster, so would that correspond to 7200 baud (or say 4800)? Seems like a simple obvious question but maybe it's not.
I will be putting together a new breadboard for this on the weekend (if I have all the components I need on hand) so should be able to start testing this soon.
I will be putting together a new breadboard for this on the weekend (if I have all the components I need on hand) so should be able to start testing this soon.
··· T1200· CON· 813
··· T2400· CON· 396
··· T4800· CON· 188
··· T9600· CON· 84
··· T19K2· CON· 32
··· T38K4· CON· 6
··· T1200· CON· 2063
··· T2400· CON· 1021
··· T4800· CON· 500
··· T9600· CON· 240
··· T19K2· CON· 110
··· T38K4· CON· 45
Inverted·· CON· $4000
Open······ CON· $8000
Baud······ CON· T2400
This lets me change modules without worrying about changing the SERIN and/or SEROUT baudmode parameter.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
It would be a nice PBASIC future feature (say that out loud quickly 5 times) to have C-style includes for stuff like this to make the code more readable. E.g. #INCLUDE StampDIffs.bs2 or something similar.
Doesn't affect anything executable so hopefully would be do-able.