Rc submarine pariscop raising and lowering for the mobius skipjack
in BASIC Stamp
I am building a rc 1;72 scale mobius skipjack submarine and l was wanting to make the pariscops and the other parts rise and lower and also make the sub becans work as well mike at 27283 can you help me with this .l aso saw this on the drydocks fourm as well
Thank you Howard
I don't see any products on the Parallax store with part #27283. What is it? Also, how are you controlling the periscope? Servo?
I believe Howard meant the forum user, @Mike27283
I wonder how much space is available.
Servo is a good idea for simplicity - Parallax has these tiny options:
Smaller than that might require a super-tiny DC motor, and then some sort of motor controller.
For reference, would one of the above linked servos (they are both the same size) fit in the space you have ?
Yes l ment @Mike27283
How do l get in contact with him
The search came up with this interesting thread that Mike was in: https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1509740#Comment_1509740
I guess that's what caught your eye to start with ?
You could try clicking his user name (in that thread linked above, as one option) to get to his profile, then click the "Message" button near top-left, to send him a private message.
Although he should already have received notification of your request from your reference to him above. If he's still active here he'll have gotten the message already.