80-pin P2 Edge connector same as 80-pin Microbit connector?
in Propeller 2
Guess this is true? Didn't appreciate it until just saw this email from Ken about BBC Microbit thing.
If it is true, that might make me like P2 Edge more as there are other sources for the connector, like Sparkfun:
Came up before: ostensibly the same size, but microbit connectors have contacts on one side only
The 1-side micro:bit contact thing is handy sometimes...
The Cyber:Bot robot also uses the dual-sided connector, and is wired to allow the micro:bit to be inserted either-way up !
Ambidextrous? Come on down and grab a Cyber:Bot today !
The Parallax store also carries that exact same right-angle through-hole connector variant on part number #450-00308
(I guess you knew that, but just to mention in-case someone else didn't!)
Thanks. So guess it is true then.
"80-pin P2 Edge connector same as 80-pin Microbit connector?"
Indeed, yes.
The Edge uses a fully populated 80-pin micro:bit style connector. Originally they seemed to start out all the same (80-pin). In recent years, many micro:bit connector manufacturers realised they could also ship a single-side populated 40-pin variant, and shave off some $$$. Often using the same shell as the 80-pin. Though even more recently I've seen some funky slim-line 40-pin jobbies too!
In a pinch you could use the Edge module in a single-side 40-pin "micro:bit" socket, assuming you could live with only having access to those pins on the back of the Edge module!