tips on using on less common (P2/Spin2) topics

I believe I've made this link public as an example.
To make sure we get off to a good start, I often start a thread with something like this: "tell me about the TASK functions in v47 of Spin2" The "tell me about" part is a bit open ended, and it must be on a topic that I actually can recognize the correct answer.
With Perplexity (Pro) you're able to setup 'spaces' that can have reference documents uploaded (.pdf is common, I append '.txt' on the end of .spin2 lang files) and web links to pages or direct to document downloads (I've had no luck with direct into google sheets, though). You can also have a custom prompt to direct it to respond to you in a certain manner/style/format. For example, I often put something like this into it, as you'd note in the perplexity thread I linked above: "if you do not find the exact reference to something, then tell me so. But, DO NOT fabricate fake answers" ( that I just now remembered to add to this particular Perplexity 'space')
Since, in this case, I noticed that the result to the first query was bogus, I admonished perplexity thusly: "
I see you have loaded the correct Spin2 documentation file that does have the correct and complete answers. what you have told me is a complete fabrication of how you think TASK might behave. Do not do that. "
Communicating with these machines is a little, as I say, like talking to a toddler savant... it takes a bit of back and forth to coax amazing things out of them.