Parallax standard parts list mentioned in October 9, 2024 video meetup

I am interested in the parts list that would simplify the Parallax build of Propeller boards. I, unfortunately, don't have an immediate need. But, I'd like to make it easy when one of my projects take off.
Thanks for the reminder. I’ve also been thinking about how to share the data, or rather where.
Perhaps I’ll make a view-only Goo sheet for starters and link that here. Will update here soon!
thanks! @VonSzarvas
Hi @ngeneer
Here's that list: Parallax common inventory items available for contract manufacturing
And the article:
The parts list covers all the parts used by the Propeller 1 and Propeller 2 product lines, and maybe some extras that are regularly stocked/used.
Hey all,
As Michael noted, we're interested in building your products on our production line. We can start the discussion informally to see if your designs could fit our abilities, and take it from there!
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
great! thanks @VonSzarvas , @"Ken Gracey"
I hope this gets more projects going, for me and all of us.