Is there a P2 fritzing part?

in Propeller 2
Does a fritzing part exists for the P2 or it's breakout boards? I use fritzing for documenting my projects and it includes a P1 part, but not a P2.
Neat. Looks like an ideal partner for all Parallax products -
I've not seen anyone mention it before.
Generally speaking, if you need it, a Fritzing part doesn't exist. I keep going back, pay the donation, etc., still never been able to use it unless I'm willing to construct my own components.
I'm a big fan of Inkscape (free) for documenting connections between circuits and components. Inkscape has a lot of uses in my tech work.
I sometimes get parts from ultralibrarian. While they support many CAD programs, Fritzing isn't one of them. They don't have a P2 footprint anyway.