Android terminal recommend?

I'm on bed rest in hospital. I have an android galaxy tab 9+, a nice 11" tablet. Back home I talked at 961kb to the P2 Eval and Taqoz via windows.
To save a lot of trial and error, anyone got a recommend for a terminal emulator that does file upload / download?
I feel an autumn project or two will keep the brain from seizing!
Cheers, Bob
Nowadays I would try termux (note you'll need to install through f-droid in order to get it working). This will setup a linux environment and you'll be able to run flexspin, although you might need to compile your own version (which termux will allow you to do
Have not tried with samsung devices, but I've successfully connected a propeller board to android devices in the past.. It requires though that the linux kernel on the device has FTDI/CH/... device drivers installed, which is not always the case
Patient: “Doctor I can't help feeling that everyone ignores me"
Doctor: “Next!“
I'm done with recommending the world of RFO BASIC! or the derivative OliBasic!
We're doing cool stuff on Android.
Thanks for the comments, fellas. Another pal suggests UsbTerminal by lion hass to start off. It does high baud rate but file upload is just cut and paste. Haven't touched the P2 for a while.