1980 MGB electrical updates and engine monitor

updating an MG for fun and, potentially, profit. conveniently, the starter, lights, horn, and most gauges work. but, that's about it... so, while I need to go end to end troubleshooting and replacing stuff all ready, I can't help myself but to think I could replace some of these finicky sensors or, at least, add monitoring as an early warning/debug system for display and datalogging.
I thought I'd bounce a few ideas of this crew for tips... or, admonition as to the folly of this endeavor.
I wondered if Chip's new high-speed 4 channel ADC object might be just the ticket to view/log the actual rise/fall of each pulse in each sparkplug wire. or even just the relative timing between wires. I expect to put current transducers on the wires, or perhaps a piezo microphone pickup on the block and/or the valve cover.
It seems like monitoring the strength/rate of firing, and an accelerometer (or GPS), and temperature (ambient and engine), and maybe exhaust stuff of any old car might be desirable for maintenance and efficiency calculations.
Any thoughts?
Perhaps knock sensors would be interesting?
For my little motorbike I have a rpm display. It uses a insulated wire antenna wound around the spark wire. So no direct connection to the high voltage.
The issue with sensors in automobiles is that they tend to make more trouble than they help. Due to unfriendly evironment for electronics. So perhaps it would be a good idea to use sensors in housings with their wiring and plugs made for this application.
@"Christof Eb." > right! unfriendly environment. sealing against the wet and heat will be the initial effort on through any sensors. I wasn't really sure what I "hear" with it. might be interesting.