3D STEP file for Propeller 1 FLIP module?
in Propeller 1
Does anyone have a 3D step file for the FLIP Module?
I am using this module in a design in Fusion 360 Electronics.
If anyone can help?
Dave M
Support@parallax.com have it.
Hey cool! ok thanks heaps!, i will go and ask them!
If there is a 3D step file for the Flip module, it would be good if it was added to the design file zip file "https://www.parallax.com/package/propeller-flip-module-downloads/" for the Flip product to make it available to us all...
yep, thats were i would put it!
Me too!
Hi @DavidM
I'm back in the office and found the links for step and wrl if you didn't already receive them:
Hi, Thanks for this, i didn't get anything yet from parallax, so i thank you for the links,
I got the step file, and imported into fusion 360.
I coloured ths PCB blue and as i dont see the components , i deleted the bulk of them to make the modle less detailed . as i wont see thm in my design
although i will add the silk screen text for the pinouts
Dave M