What you always wanted to know about splines, but didn't dare to ask

I accidentally found this video that shows some pretty insight into, what splines are AND how curves are connected to matrices or how symmetry determines the path do go. It's a journey, that will take an hour, but I couldn't follow in one run. Had to take breaks and digest.
So I hope, this will find some views.
As you are here:
another video worth watching. It may take a few hours, as you have to take breath in place of Freya. But you are asked: to you know complex numbers to then realize, you were introduces into Clifford Algebras ;-)
Much appreciated
I highly recommend Freya's videos. They are all excellent like this one!
I made this SplinePathGenerator tool with the help of her video. https://github.com/reltham/SplinePathGenerator
I am using it for creating flight paths for enemy ships in a Galaga like game I am making for fun on the Commander X16 (6502 computer).