P1 upload Protocol to EEPROM

in Propeller 1
is the protocol described somewhere how the upload is done in the P1 into the EPROM?
is the protocol described somewhere how the upload is done in the P1 into the EPROM?
An EPROM program is loaded into hub ram that reads the data serially and writes it to EPROM.
So, there is no protocol for loading into EPROM.
That's not correct, P1 has EEPROM programming built-in.
There was a description of the protocol somewhere.
Aside from the uploader sources, I found this document in my archives, I don't remember where it comes from (guess from a forum post, but the search is stil a pain...).
Programming commands:
oh dear,
pulse width modulation.
I thought that was a normal serial transmission like with a SIO.
No, I'd rather build an overlay loader.
Thanks for the help.
This describes the download protocol for P1: https://github.com/rosco-pc/propeller-wiki/wiki/Download-Protocol
Nice page, unfortunately the links go nowhere.
Yeah, this is a copy of an older wiki. Forum changed links multiple times since that page was written
It would be great if the spin tool could upload from the Eprom, then display it as the original spin code. I use some Idec products, such as PLC's and HDMI screens, both can have their programs uploaded and displayed as their original programs.
This is extremely depressing,
actually try it now, turned out I already updated the links once upon a time, but they have now changed to https
Thanks, I'll watch it tonight. Now I have to go to bed.
It's fairly simple to implement as a serial protocol. Catalina's payload loader has a simple implementation of the EEPROM load protocol. See payload.c in the Catalina sources.
Eons and forum changes ago Chip had posted the Spin code for the Propeller ROMs.
from the wiki page: https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/101483/propeller-rom-source-code-here