Differential GPS?
once again I am in the process of thinking about doing a DIY lawn mower robot. I did think about this several times over the years and meanwhile you can buy them everywhere, so it's a fun and learning project....
My question now is the following:
Is it possible to use 2 lower cost standard GPS- receivers like NEO-6 modules in parallel with a wireless link. One of them at a fixed place, one of them on the robot to calculate the difference of positions? (You can buy RTK systems, but they are much more expensive. https://www.ardusimple.com/simplertk2b-receivers/)
Repeatability of position for this project has to be <5cm, I think.
Thanks, Christof
My experience with GPS is that the best you can hope for is up to ~2 meters or less of accuracy for a given position. Navigation systems make it look better because they have the "map" data and usually snap to that when the signal drifts off the road.
Have a look at these options: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-gps-rtk/all#:~:text=A GPS receiver capable of,, and Galileo (Europe).

This guy seems to think you can, with an esp32..
As long as I can wear that cool hat and goggles ... smirk
The 'key' is the "decent GPS receiver module" ... the ESP32 could be a hill of beans for all that would really matter.
Thanks for the good inputs! Helps me getting into this.
For the Ublox brand there seems to be a clear distinction between "standard precision" and "high precision" modules, which can process correction data streams and have the necessary phase detection.
Neo M8-T seems to be something in between. I have the impression, that it contains the hardware but not the software for RTK but outputs raw data.
Hm, will have a look onto other navigation methods...