Rocket live telemetry
Good day,
I would like to create a live GUI telemetry for model rocketry that would show the signal strength, the altitude, the velocity, the temperature, pressure, pitch, yaw, roll with the flight time. Is it possible to do this with the BS2PX24? Are there any books or documentations that I could have to create that and that would show all the parts necessary, the language to use (if not BASIC Stamps), etc.?
Thank you.
What do you want to use as a display?, PC with monitor, GUI screen, etc., you can have your BS2 read senors, and transmit with an Xbee module etc. or use a propeller 1 or 2, but you have to consider the flight weight of a BS2, battery, sensors, etc.
I would have to be a sizeable rocket and not a small Estes.
Estes and their neighbor and sales agents, Apogee (who sells Estes and others) also sell large body rockets. In fact I believe they, Apogee are currently working towards how to send down sizable telemetry regarding those same rockets.
Mascot watches.
Thank you for your answers. I would like to put the live telemetry on a laptop, but eventually I would like to build a control center. Let's start first with the laptop. For the weight, I have the software necessary to calculate the center of pressure and the center of gravity, etc. If you know some documentations for parts necessary, schematics, how to build it. or someone at Parallax who could guide me during all the process, it would be great.
Thank you.
You'll probably want to use MAVlink for your communications, I'm guessing your altitude and flight time will be relatively short, under 1000 ft. , 25-40 seconds. for ascend and descend. Make a list of your airborne sensors, altimeter, gyro, gps, and camera, etc., calculate weight and space for all sensors, radio, battery etc., calculate your rockets payload capabilities.
For this project you're going to need:
BME280 - BME680 for Humidity, Temperature, and Pressure which require a lot of math to work.
LIS3DH Accelerometer for G Force.
L3G4200D Gyro Scope for rotation.
XBee XB3-24Z8PT for transmitting the data. Would need two of them for receiver or one Parallax WX ESP8266.
500 mah battery since it's a short flight to power everything.
Or you could get one of these FSM300 - 9-DOF motion sensor already fused or BNO055 which is hard to get to work.
And MS8607 humidity, pressure, temperature sensor.
Chapter 12 of "50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius" starting at page 124 of the PDF. Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius ( PDFDrive )_text.pdf
StampPlot will plot your data in real time.
The Propeller-1 would be better suited for this since it can multi-task, and Spin is very similar to PBASIC.
Thank you Genetix. I have the book ''50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius'', but I can't find the Excel files that are mentioned in the book. I contacted the author, but no response. Is there a place where I can find all those Excel files?
One again thank you.
Thank you everyone for all your suggestions.
I only see an Excel file for Project 3.