New to Forth and TAQOZ
I am new to Forth and currently going through the online version of Starting Forth and was using the terminal to execute the words on the P2 using TAQOZ, but I feel there are some differences and that may not be the best possible route? I have started going through the links that I found in some previous posts for the Wiki and github repos. Am I missing that TAQOZ is not fully compliant or there are just minor differences between Forth implementations? For example:
TAQOZ# : ?FULL 12 = IF . " It's full " THEN ; --- ok
TAQOZ# 11 ?FULL --- ok
TAQOZ# 12 ?FULL --- 50096 ok
- but in ForthWin
?FULL 12 = IF ." It's full " THEN ;
11 ?FULL
12 ?FULL
It's full Ok
Is there a best resource for me to learn how to properly learn how to do everything in TAQOZ? or have I been doing something wrong?
Thank you!
EDIT: It was noted to me of the space before the quote in the IF statement.
as your question pops up sometimes, I have put together "my" link list:
There is no specific tutorial for TAQOZ. TAQOZ is optimised for the P2 hardware, which has fast small COG and LUT ram plus slower big HUB ram. This optimisation give some differences to other Forth implementations.
There is a great Glossary for Taqoz!
Have fun Christof
Hey thanks for the link! That is a great wealth of information. Appreciate it!