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StrToFloat() — Parallax Forums


cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
edited 2024-02-21 10:33 in Propeller 2

I made a StrToFloat method using the built-in Spin2 floating-point operators.

It accepts numbers in all formats and converts them to single-precision IEEE-754 floats:


So, no decimal point is needed. "E" is allowed for power-of-ten exponents. Underscores are allowed for grouping in the mantissa, but not in the exponent. It also checks for errors and ABORTS with messages.

' Get floating-point value - source_ptr must point to first digit
PRI get_float() : fp | n, dflag, nflag, exp

  repeat                                'MAC mantissa digits
    fp := fp *. 10.0 +. fp_dig[source_chr() & $0F]
    repeat while source_test("_")       'skip any "_" chrs
    if dflag                            'hold magnitude after decimal point
    if source_test(".")                 'check for decimal point, one only
      if dflag~~
        abort(@"Extra decimal point")
  while source_digit_next()             'another digit?

  if source_test_uppercase("E")         'check for exponent
    if source_test("-")                 'if "-", set negative flag
    else                                'else, skip any "+"
    if not source_digit_next()          'make sure exponent digit
      abort(@"Expected exponent digit")
    repeat                              'MAC exponent digits
      exp := exp * 10 + source_chr() & $0F
    while source_digit_next()
    exp <#= 99                          'limit exponent, still under/overflows
    n -= (nflag ? -exp : exp)

  repeat while n                        'adjust magnitude
    exp := n #> -12 <# 12
    fp := fp /. fp_exp[exp]
    n -= exp

  if NaN(fp)                            'check overflow
    abort(@"Floating-point overflow")


fpstr   byte    "1.175494e+9",0         'test string

fp_dig  long    0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0

        long                                1e-12, 1e-11, 1e-10, 1e-09
        long    1e-08, 1e-07, 1e-06, 1e-05, 1e-04, 1e-03, 1e-02, 1e-01
fp_exp  long    1e+00, 1e+01, 1e+02, 1e+03, 1e+04, 1e+05, 1e+06, 1e+07
        long    1e+08, 1e+09, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12


  • Added to OBEX :

    Once you finish the intense video driver work Chip, we'll get you setup with an OBEX account and have these objects moved to your name.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,234
    edited 2024-02-21 15:02

    @cgracey : Consider making a source pointer argument so that the method can be used with any string.

    pri get_float(p_src) : fp | n, dflag, nflag, exp
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275

    @VonSzarvas said:
    Added to OBEX :

    Once you finish the intense video driver work Chip, we'll get you setup with an OBEX account and have these objects moved to your name.

    Sounds good.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996

    I'm not sure I appreciated that Spin2 supports floating point much more than Spin1 until just now...
    String to float could be very useful.

    Have to figure out how to use floats in Spin2 first...
    I see this in the docs:
    x *. y

    Does this mean multiplying signed integer with float? Is this possible to do?
    Can I multiply two floats?
    Can I convert integer to float?

    Some things to figure out...

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2024-02-22 03:13

    @Rayman said:
    I'm not sure I appreciated that Spin2 supports floating point much more than Spin1 until just now...
    String to float could be very useful.

    Have to figure out how to use floats in Spin2 first...
    I see this in the docs:
    x *. y

    Does this mean multiplying signed integer with float? Is this possible to do?
    Can I multiply two floats?
    Can I convert integer to float?

    Some things to figure out...

    Because Spin2 is type-agnostic at runtime, you must use special floating-point operators to do floating-point operations. And be sure to do them on LONGs that can hold 32 bits:

     -. (subtract / negate)

    So, just use these operators and you're doing floating-point.

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275

    Here is a new version that works on a string you point it to. It is self-contained and doesn't call any other methods.

    pub go() | error
      if error := \doit()                   'call with abort trap, show any error
    PRI doit() | fp
      fp := get_float(@fp_str)              'call and show results
      debug(fdec(fp), uhex(fp)) 
    ' Get floating-point value - ptr must point to first digit
    PRI get_float(ptr) : fp | n, dflag, nflag, exp
      repeat while byte[ptr] == " "                 'skip any spaces
      ifnot lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")           'make sure digit
        abort(@"Expected digit")
      repeat                                        'MAC mantissa digits
        fp := fp *. 10.0 +. fp_dig[byte[ptr++] & $0F]
        repeat while byte[ptr] == "_"               'skip any "_" chrs
        if dflag                                    'hold magnitude after decimal point
        if byte[ptr] == "."                         'check for single decimal point
          if dflag~~
            abort(@"Extra decimal point")
      while lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")           'another digit?
      if lookdown(byte[ptr]: "E", "e")              'check for exponent
        if byte[ptr] == "-"                         'if "-", set negative flag
        else                                        'else, skip any "+"
          if byte[ptr] == "+"
        if not lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")        'make sure exponent digit
          abort(@"Expected exponent digit")
        repeat                                      'MAC exponent digits
          exp := exp * 10 + byte[ptr++] & $0F
        while lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")
        exp <#= 99                                  'limit exponent, still under/overflows
        n -= (nflag ? -exp : exp)
      repeat while n                                'adjust magnitude
        exp := n #> -12 <# 12
        fp := fp /. fp_exp[exp]
        n -= exp
      if NaN(fp)                                    'check overflow
        abort(@"Floating-point overflow")
    fp_str  byte    "0.00000000001e-9",0                    'test string
    fp_dig  long    0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
            long                                1e-12, 1e-11, 1e-10, 1e-09
            long    1e-08, 1e-07, 1e-06, 1e-05, 1e-04, 1e-03, 1e-02, 1e-01
    fp_exp  long    1e+00, 1e+01, 1e+02, 1e+03, 1e+04, 1e+05, 1e+06, 1e+07
            long    1e+08, 1e+09, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275

    @Rayman said:
    I'm not sure I appreciated that Spin2 supports floating point much more than Spin1 until just now...
    String to float could be very useful.

    Have to figure out how to use floats in Spin2 first...
    I see this in the docs:
    x *. y

    Does this mean multiplying signed integer with float? Is this possible to do?
    Can I multiply two floats?
    Can I convert integer to float?

    Some things to figure out...

    FLOAT(integer) : float
    ROUND(float) : integer
    TRUNC(float) : integer

    The floating-point operators work on floats, only. Use FLOAT/ROUND/TRUNC to go between integers and floats.

  • @cgracey said:
    Here is a new version that works on a string you point it to. It is self-contained and doesn't call any other methods.

    pub go() | error
      if error := \doit()                   'call with abort trap, show any error
    PRI doit() | fp
      fp := get_float(@fp_str)              'call and show results
      debug(fdec(fp), uhex(fp)) 
    ' Get floating-point value - ptr must point to first digit
    PRI get_float(ptr) : fp | n, dflag, nflag, exp
      repeat while byte[ptr] == " "                 'skip any spaces
      ifnot lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")           'make sure digit
        abort(@"Expected digit")
      repeat                                        'MAC mantissa digits
        fp := fp *. 10.0 +. fp_dig[byte[ptr++] & $0F]
        repeat while byte[ptr] == "_"               'skip any "_" chrs
        if dflag                                    'hold magnitude after decimal point
        if byte[ptr] == "."                         'check for single decimal point
          if dflag~~
            abort(@"Extra decimal point")
      while lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")           'another digit?
      if lookdown(byte[ptr]: "E", "e")              'check for exponent
        if byte[ptr] == "-"                         'if "-", set negative flag
        else                                        'else, skip any "+"
          if byte[ptr] == "+"
        if not lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")        'make sure exponent digit
          abort(@"Expected exponent digit")
        repeat                                      'MAC exponent digits
          exp := exp * 10 + byte[ptr++] & $0F
        while lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")
        exp <#= 99                                  'limit exponent, still under/overflows
        n -= (nflag ? -exp : exp)
      repeat while n                                'adjust magnitude
        exp := n #> -12 <# 12
        fp := fp /. fp_exp[exp]
        n -= exp
      if NaN(fp)                                    'check overflow
        abort(@"Floating-point overflow")
    fp_str  byte    "0.00000000001e-9",0                    'test string
    fp_dig  long    0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
            long                                1e-12, 1e-11, 1e-10, 1e-09
            long    1e-08, 1e-07, 1e-06, 1e-05, 1e-04, 1e-03, 1e-02, 1e-01
    fp_exp  long    1e+00, 1e+01, 1e+02, 1e+03, 1e+04, 1e+05, 1e+06, 1e+07
            long    1e+08, 1e+09, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12


    It appears your routine won't work with negative floating values (i.e. "-1.02"), it complains that it is expecting a digit as the first string character. It works OK with positive and negative exponents, but not with negative values.

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2024-02-22 11:09

    @"Francis Bauer" said:

    @cgracey said:
    Here is a new version that works on a string you point it to. It is self-contained and doesn't call any other methods.

    pub go() | error
      if error := \doit()                   'call with abort trap, show any error
    PRI doit() | fp
      fp := get_float(@fp_str)              'call and show results
      debug(fdec(fp), uhex(fp)) 
    ' Get floating-point value - ptr must point to first digit
    PRI get_float(ptr) : fp | n, dflag, nflag, exp
      repeat while byte[ptr] == " "                 'skip any spaces
      ifnot lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")           'make sure digit
        abort(@"Expected digit")
      repeat                                        'MAC mantissa digits
        fp := fp *. 10.0 +. fp_dig[byte[ptr++] & $0F]
        repeat while byte[ptr] == "_"               'skip any "_" chrs
        if dflag                                    'hold magnitude after decimal point
        if byte[ptr] == "."                         'check for single decimal point
          if dflag~~
            abort(@"Extra decimal point")
      while lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")           'another digit?
      if lookdown(byte[ptr]: "E", "e")              'check for exponent
        if byte[ptr] == "-"                         'if "-", set negative flag
        else                                        'else, skip any "+"
          if byte[ptr] == "+"
        if not lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")        'make sure exponent digit
          abort(@"Expected exponent digit")
        repeat                                      'MAC exponent digits
          exp := exp * 10 + byte[ptr++] & $0F
        while lookdown(byte[ptr]: "0".."9")
        exp <#= 99                                  'limit exponent, still under/overflows
        n -= (nflag ? -exp : exp)
      repeat while n                                'adjust magnitude
        exp := n #> -12 <# 12
        fp := fp /. fp_exp[exp]
        n -= exp
      if NaN(fp)                                    'check overflow
        abort(@"Floating-point overflow")
    fp_str  byte    "0.00000000001e-9",0                    'test string
    fp_dig  long    0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
            long                                1e-12, 1e-11, 1e-10, 1e-09
            long    1e-08, 1e-07, 1e-06, 1e-05, 1e-04, 1e-03, 1e-02, 1e-01
    fp_exp  long    1e+00, 1e+01, 1e+02, 1e+03, 1e+04, 1e+05, 1e+06, 1e+07
            long    1e+08, 1e+09, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12


    It appears your routine won't work with negative floating values (i.e. "-1.02"), it complains that it is expecting a digit as the first string character. It works OK with positive and negative exponents, but not with negative values.

    Thanks for noticing this. I just added that...


  • @cgracey

    Thanks Chip, it works for negative values now.

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,553
    edited 2024-02-22 09:22

    StrToFloat OBEX updated with the negative fix :

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275

    @VonSzarvas said:
    StrToFloat OBEX updated with the negative fix :

    Thanks, Michael.

    Could you please put the latest file I posted in place of the older one in there? I posted a new file 3 posts up which handles regular strings. It needs to be renamed from StrToFloat2.spin2 to StrToFloat.spin2. That is the one people should be using. Thanks a lot.

  • Since the string could come from outside the P2, you might consider stripping all leading whitespace characters:

      repeat while lookdown(byte[ptr] : 32, 9..13)
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996
    edited 2024-02-22 23:55

    Is there an inverse function? FloatToStr()?

    BTW: Seeing how the floating point ops work now. At first, looked like the "." was operating on y and not the operator.
    When I first looked at it, was not seeing the spaces before and after the operator. A lot clearer now.
    x *. y

    Also, I see the Float() and Round() methods that make using all this viable..

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,234
    edited 2024-02-23 15:08

    I made a small variation of Chip's object that uses a second return value for the error code instead of using the abort mechanism. For testing, there is a method in the object that converts the error code to the strings Chip used. The test program demonstrates this -- though I don't know how to make the object return the NaN error.

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