Can Goertzel mode do AM radio?
in Propeller 2
Was just wondering if P2 could do AM radio.
@"Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)" had something working for P1 that needed external filter...
Was looking at this figure in documentation.
Maybe you need external filter?
Maybe you need gain control?
Or, maybe just connect a wire to P2 I/O pin and hear radio?
It should just need a wire loop kinda antenna on a pin, I think. No AM radio in germany anymore though. But I guess the FM transmission code could be modified for AM. 8 bit resolution only though. Can maybe do some kind of homebrew wireless networking though.
Doesn't DCF77 (Time standard) use AM?
Seems like it. So possibly software-only RTC capability?
I made a brief attempt at making a WWVB decoder using the Goertzel circuit, but my random wire loop antenna didn't seem to be able to detect anything. I think I might need to get the right antenna out of an old radio clock, get that working, and then make another attempt with a random wire or PCB trace antenna.
Aviation radio is AM but it uses frequencies around 120MHz so it's too high for direct sampling with Goertzel of the P2. But it should work well using superhet downmixer to an intermediate frequency around 10MHz.