P2 Taqoz V2.8: The Glossary Onboard at Your Fingertips
Christof Eb.
Posts: 1,241
Writing an Editor for Taqoz, it became clear, that it would be nice to have @bob_g4bby 's great Glossary onboard.
So here you find a pure version of the Glossary and a few words to find content in it.
On the SD-card GlosA.fth must be GLOS.FTH.
(In my editor, it is possible to print the line about the word sitting under the cursor with ctrl-W.)
The format of GlosA.fth is choosen in a way that the tool can also filter the first lines of definitions of any other forth source file. PUB-words give the headlines, :-words are "normal".
As always:
(Mandatory for this is the use of the version _BOOT_P2.BIX in Taqoz.zip in https://sourceforge.net/projects/tachyon-forth/files/TAQOZ/binaries/ . )
Have fun!