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Cannot upload to Prop - Com port problems — Parallax Forums

Cannot upload to Prop - Com port problems

HughWNHughWN Posts: 8
edited 2023-11-09 14:38 in Propeller 1


I have a Propeller Project board. When in the Prop Tool (2.7.0 Beta) I 'Identify Hardware', it finds the prop on COM2. However, if I try to compile and upload to the prop, the Prop Tool complains that "no propeller was found on any serial port. Scanned COM 2. One serial port was excluded from the search". If I go to 'Edit ports' via Edit -> Preferences, the only port showing active (i.e., bold) is COM 2. Setting the search to 'AUTO' or specifying COM 2 makes no difference. A different PC makes no difference. A different prop board makes no difference. v2.9.3 of the Prop Tool makes no difference. The drivers are up to date. Obsessionally, the message is "More than ten serial ports were excluded from the search. Click Edit Ports for more information". The Edit ports dialogue shows only COM 1 and COM 2, as does Windows Device Manager.

Flexprop works perfectly.

Any suggestions gratefully received.



  • What windows version do you have ? I'm running 2.5.3 prop tool, without issue. Did you try loading only ram F10

  • @HughWN said:

    A different prop board makes no difference. v2.9.3 of the Prop Tool makes no difference.

    So you've tried this with more than one Propeller 2 board?

    FWIW, I use v2.9.3 all the time myself. I usually don't have any trouble but I occasionally have to Registry Editor to delete the values contained in : Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ParallaxInc\Propeller\2.4.0

    Version 2.9.3 uses the 2.4.0 folder. I'm not sure why.

    A different PC makes no difference.

    So you've tried multiple PCs with multiple P2 boards? That is very odd.

    Even though the problem occurs on multiple PCs, I think you should try deleting the registry data.

    How are the DIP switches set? I generally set switches number 1 and 2 to on and set 3 and 4 to off. (These switches are on the P2 Evaluation Board.)

    Do you have Parallax Serial Terminal installed? If so, you should be able to confirm the com number by seeing which coms show up when your board is connected verse when it's disconnected.

  • Thank you for your help, both of you.

    Apologies for the tardy response - I didn't have the notifications correctly set.

    It is Windows 11 and it wouldn't load to RAM or EEPROM.

    Regedit didn't help (but cleaning-up is always a good thing!).

    What fixed it was swapping the USB lead (which I had discounted because F7 worked). I have no idea why - the 'faulty' lead works with other devices. Lesson learned! :smile:


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