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  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,391
    edited 2023-10-15 20:27

    Should I feel surprised not to see Python in that list ?

  • It shows up later.

    But pay mind to this: at the end of the visualization, 2022 Q4, the first language that isn't intrinsically wasteful of resources is in 7th place and is C++ (which many people justifiably despise for being a major pain). Not like scripting/managed languages don't have a place where they're just the right tool, but I think it's indicative how little care is paid to software quality, and arguably more importantly, sustainability/the environment. (not that language is the only thing affecting that. You can write garbage in any language etc). Mass-deployment of inefficient software has real costs. Of course those costs are externalized and thus ignored by greedy business ghouls. Or worse, when the slow software forces people to upgrade their hardware, many of the same companies that crapped it out will actively benefit from that. And the resulting e-waste will be dumped in a landfill in africa or somewhere where rich white people don't have to see or acknowledge it.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,436
    edited 2023-10-16 03:11

    Interesting visualization. Thanks!

    A few things worth noting:

    1. It is dependent on how "popularity" is measured. Including teaching languages (which this index does - it says "Popularity is defined by percentage of programmers with either proficiency in specific language or currently learning/mastering one.") skews the results against the trickier languages and towards languages that are good for teaching programming concepts, but not much used in the real world.

    2. It is dependent on the specific domain you are looking in, since many languages are very domain-specific. For instance, embedded system languages are very different to internet programming languages. In embedded systems (which is probably the domain most applicable to the Propeller) many of these languages feature not at all, and assembly language appears much higher.

    3. Scripting languages are usually implemented on top of another language, so the popularity of the base languages may be being artificially boosted by that. For example, a project written in Lua would often be described as being written in both C and Lua.

    You can often choose your index to suit whatever language you prefer. For instance, the TIOBE index ( has never had C as less than number 2 since 2001, and it often still pops up as number 1, even today. Naturally, a C programmer would think this is a more representative index! :)


  • Honestly I use about 6 of those languages on a daily basis. In many cases they are all talking to one another .... Perl, PHP, Python, Assembly, C, JavaScript, etc.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,627
    edited 2023-10-16 03:28

    EDIT: The video can't be even close to correct. In reality, early coding would have been dominated by assembly.

    TIOBE's top 10:
    Python (14.82%)
    C (12.08%)
    C++ (10.67%)
    Java (8.92%)
    C# (7.71%)
    JavaScript (2.91%)
    Visual Basic (2.13%)
    PHP (1.9%)
    SQL (1.78%)
    Assembly (1.64%)

  • I have no clue what metrics where used, just liked the presentation - kind of disappointed to see COBOL and FORTRAN vanish. Because they are still alive and kicking. Without COBOL batch processing no ATM transaction would work. No airplanes gets booked, USPS would fail,,,


  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,627
    edited 2023-10-16 08:09

    I'd class those as real-time processing. Or transaction processing maybe is a term unto itself.
    Batch processing is the long run overnight jobs.

  • I was a little bit surprised not to see Forth. I think, that it had it's peak around 1980, when microcomputers did have ~16kB of RAM and no harddisk. Not enough resources for a "proper" compiler.
    May 1979 fig forth distribution started, which was something like the mark for the begin
    1981 IBM PC had already >=64kB,
    1983 Turbo Pascal defined the end, I think.
    Though "1988 in the "World's Fastest Programmer" Contest at Embedded Systems Conference, Anaheim, CA everyone used Forth but they used an Amiga...."

    So if this film would be about microcontrollers, then the results would be a little different....

  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,627
    edited 2023-10-16 09:11

    My guess is the video didn't cover any microcomputers at all ... at least not until the Internet dominated backroom processing from maybe the late 1990's.

  • Assembly is just a human-readable form of Machine Language, aka Binary Code.

    Also this survey doesn't differentiate between compiled and interpreted languages.

    The language used should depend more on the application than how popular it is.
    How dependable is a missile defense system programmed in C compared to ADA?
    ADA was designed specifically for Mission-Critical systems where 'Failure is not an option!'.

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