jm_lcd_pcf8574_demo Fahrenheit to Celsius convertion loop
in Propeller 2
Hello everybody
This object run almost perfect but the "repeat tf from 98_6 to 105_7" didn´t display in the LCD.
It only shows TEMP ?F ?C.
I would like know what I need to do to make it shows the numbers.
Thanks in advance.
It works for me.
Tip: If you're having trouble with code, please archive it and upload it -- don't assume that others know what you're talking about. I do in this case because I wrote that demo.
That's an old version of the program. Chip made additions to the Spin interpreter DEBUG tools that used names from some of my objects. In the end, I had to change the names of some methods in my objects. I put your files into their own folder, touched up one name in the low-level driver and changed the pins to my setup. It ran fine. That is to say, there is nothing wrong with the code. I'm surprised you weren't able to fix it. I always do final testing with Propeller Tool because it's cannon for Spin2. Are you using another tool?
Just to be safe and so that you have my latest files, use what's attached. I suggest not using pins 56 and 57 because these have LEDs on them on the Eval and on the Edge that can sometimes interfere with external circuitry.
Thank you Jon
I am suposing my Propeller Tool is with some troubles. It run fine the older code excluding the jdpdec function and it didn´t run this new code. It give error for: jm_random, PU_EXT and ...LCD_WIDTH) (expected "," - error mensage).
What version are you running? If you're not using 2.9.3 you should be. Get the latest from Parallax.
Remember this?
When I -- or anyone else -- sends you an archive you should probably assume that the files used are the latest on our system and that you should consider upgrading your system with ALL of those files. This is what the project outline looks like in my Propeller Tool (with notes for clarity).
Notice how all of the libraries are blue? This means they are in the Propeller Tool library. The yellow color for the demo program indicates it's in a separate folder.
When you get an archive, unzip the files to a temporary folder, do a quick test from there, and when everything is working move the libraries from that to the Propeller Tool Library folder. What you're indicating is that you have old libraries in your system. It would be good to upgrade them (code is like a George Lucas movie -- never finished!). This is why we archive projects: to ensure that the person on the other side has what they need. In every case where you've had trouble with my demos or objects the code worked on my computer. It didn't on yours because it seems like you missed the step of updating your libraries. This is important: always check archives for updated library files, and do keep your library files in ONE location. On my system they are here:
C:\Users\jmcph\Documents\Propeller Tool\Library
If you want to try another tool like Spin Tools IDE (I like it a lot) or FlexProp, those tools will let you add your Propeller Tool Library path and use it. I don't use FlexProp often, but for presentations I will always test my code with it, and by configuring it to use my Propeller Tool Library I don't have any hiccups and all that try the demo can run the code.
Jon, I suspect it's an English language barrier you're knocking on there. I don't think he is trying to place blame.
Hi JonnyMac
Thank you very much!
I updated the Propeller tool version and all worked fine.
It was much more simple than I was thinking it would be. Your precious guide solved all.
In the older version (Prop Tool) the project run correctly but the tF and tC number waren´t displayed.
Thank you so much again
You're welcome.
Parallax distributes a lot of my code with Propeller Tool, and I'm always updating objects as users ask for new features -- this caught you out by having an older version. Once the new ObEx is back up and running I can manage my own library distribution and make sure that everyone has easy access to the latest code.
I'm glad it's working for you now, and I hope you understand the importance of keeping your library in one place (I choose the Propeller Tool Library), and checking for updates when anyone sends you an archive.
Good luck with your projects.