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PropSPI: Emulation of a generic SPI RAM chip, using the Prop2 — Parallax Forums

PropSPI: Emulation of a generic SPI RAM chip, using the Prop2

evanhevanh Posts: 16,286
edited 2023-10-08 01:06 in Propeller 2

Gave it a new name just now. :)

I've been beavering away on this for some weeks now and just posted the first stable code for Chintan's and Disha's and Kundan's ink jet printer project -

In a nutshell, PropSPI acts as a simple memory array. Not dissimilar to how a SPI PSRAM chip might operate. As such, PropSPI is most useful as an interchange between two CPUs - Initially it has been developed as a simple high volume data link for a Raspberry Pi to stream large amounts of data to a Prop2.

Performance wise, the memory array can be written to at up to sysclock/3. So that's 100 Mbit/s if sysclock is over 300 MHz. Read speed isn't as fabulous since the internal I/O latencies all pile up on the Tx pin and it becomes tricky to manage clock phase. There, sysclock/7 is the expected limit although /6 seems to look okay too. Testing has only been done as a loopback so far. 50 Mbit/s might be reliable.

Also has responsive repetitive handling. Can accept a fresh command beginning in less than 100 nanoseconds from prior data. Specifically, 20 sysclock ticks after rising edge of CS pin.

Update 2023-9-30: Added a version number and MIT licence
Update 2023-10-8: Version 2 release. API changes - Read source code docs.


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