Micropython on P2 tutorial?

in Propeller 2
I have brought MP up on the P2, however, the utility of it escapes me. The Quick reference mentioned in the MP startup doesn't appear to mention the P2 (www.docs.micropython.org). It would be nice to take a crack at doing a bit of development, however, I find nothing (so far) that will get me going ... even an example of getting something like a Blinky.py working would be helpful.
Also, I wonder how one goes about putting the P2 (Edge module breadboard) back to where it will run Spin2 programs?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi Michael
Did you find this tutorial?
Regarding putting it back to run spin programs, just overwrite over the flash image (F11 in prop tool, Control-E in FlexProp)
Hello Tubular,
Thank you for your reply. I did see that tutorial you referenced and it is what I used to get MP working on the P2.
Thank you for the advice to get back to Spin ... !
I hadn't realized it was that simple!
As for MP on this platform ... I think I'll get my feet wet with Spin2 first and move to MP when I have some experience under my belt with this new device.
Kind regards,