Pulse_in Test
in Propeller 2
Helo for all
I am trying to run the Pulsein_test code bus it give error in the line 275 of the jm_serial code.
I would like know what need be done to solve it.
Thank you very much.
Post the code and I'll have a look.
Found it. I retired jm_serial.spin2 a long time ago. The attached program has been updated and does work. Remember, this is demo code. ATM, it has no ability if the IO pin state doesn't change.
That is it the error mensage:
Expected a unique variable name ((field))
!pub format(p_str, p_args) | idx, c, asc, ~~field,~~ digits - 403 line
I am using Setup-Propeller-Tool-v2.9.3
Please use the jm_fullduplexserial.spin2 that is in the archive. As I said, I retired jm_serial.spin2 a long time ago (I wrote it before I had started learning PASM2). One of the great things about Spin2 is that the interpreter can be updated. Twice, Chip has added features that collided with method or variable names in my code. This stuff happens and I always update my code when it does.
I am Sorry Jon!
You are absolutely right.
I descovered the trouble:
I was trying to run it from the working diregory and it gave error but whan I put it into the library diretory it worked correctly.
Thank you very much.
I am sorry again!