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Propeller / arduino syntax help — Parallax Forums

Propeller / arduino syntax help

Hello, i have a propeller that sends servo positions to other propellers and arduinos. all my code works but the arduino code is more cumbersome. I am trying to figure out how to write it so it ony uses one variable "servo1" like the propeller code?

propeller code...
servo1 = fdserial_rxChar(receive) << 7; //get Higher 7 bits
servo1 += fdserial_rxChar(receive) & 0x7F; //get and add Lower 7 bits

arduino code...
if (Serial1.available()) {
val1 =;
if (Serial1.available()) {
val2 =;
servo1 = (val1 << 7) | (val2);


  • Isn't that a question for the Arduino forums? I'm not much of an Arduino programmer, but here's an idea:

    if (Serial.available() > 1) {
      value = ( << 7) || ( & 0x7F);

    You're using the .available() function as a Boolean when you can use it to check how many bytes are in the RX buffer.

  • Thanks Jon, ill give that a try. i stay away from the Arduino forum as much as possible its full of A-holes.

  • Understand. BTW, your Arduino code may be subject to a race condition where the first byte shows up between the first if clause and the second.

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