Prop-2 USB HID Connections to a Host Device?

Working with USB communications at the "bare-metal" level presents many challenges. Many of us have looked for a way to turn a Propeller-2 MCU into a Human Interface Device (HID) such as a keyboard or mouse. Sad to say, you'll need a different MCU that has a USB "peripheral" interface already installed and a library of many USB functions. The USB protocol is complicated and even "simple" projects fail. I know from experience.
Chip suppliers such as Cypress (Infineon), Atmel, Microchip, and NXP offer USB "enabled" MCUs. They may provide application notes and example code
Here there is a good keyboard-emulation example for Arduino Leonardo, Micro, or Due boards:
As far as I know, no USB HID library exists for Propeller chips. I recommend the book, "_USB Complete, 5th edition," by Jan Axelson as an excellent guide to all things USB.
We host-side HID for both P1 and P2. Someone's also made a CDC device with some of the same USB code (too lazy to find latest link rn). HID device is a lot simpler than HID host, so I think writing a HID device library would be quite easy, someone just needs to do it.
Why exactly do you recommend this book? Isn't this the cut-and-paste job of a book where she reveals she knows nothing about USB and then just refers you to a commercial product USB solution?
I also thought even her serial port book was a big load of fluff too. Tons and tons of filler and then not even the most basic and most important information you would need to know-- how to enable the serial port components in Visual Studio at the time.
A joke.
You criticize, but fail to offer an alternative solution. What would you recommend?
See BradC's 'california dreaming' demo for the P1, which sends keystrokes to the PC using a lean HID implementation
While this is for P1, I don't think it would be hard to port it to P2
The other code that currently works as CDC, but could be adapted to HID, is this from SaucySoliton
Hi, Tubular,
Do you have a link to "BradC's 'california dreaming' demo for the P1, which sends keystrokes to the PC"? --Jon
Sure Jon, its