Connection error.
in Propeller 2
I have been getting this error since I installed the Propeller Tool on a new PC and then tried programming a P2. Did anyone else face something similar? And any suggestions about the solution?
I would get this problem on my P2 Edge Irregular. Manually correcting the xtal frequency in my program fixed it.
I’ve seen this at least once
No idea what it means yet
Could be board is bad though
As in adding
_xtlfreq = 20_000_000
to theCON
section in your source code?Add
_xtlfreq = 19_200_000
when using the P2 Edge Irregular. I was trying to figure out why debugging would crash and lock-up. I noticed I had a P2 Edge Irregular. Changing the _xtlfreq solved my issues with debug crashing."Irregular"?! Is that a name? Or was there a batch of Edge's with different crystal fitted?
Ha, I do remember that picture with the red labelling now.
Tried doing that but the problem still exists.
What development board (model and revision) is this? Is it still working with the old PC?
I custom made the board. Yes, it's running fine on the old PC. I just tried using of the older versions of PropellerTool and it worked. Guess, it will be addressed in the newer versions.
Thank you!
Can you turn debug off in the menu and program the P2
Btw: last I heard there’s not going to be much more Prop Tool development
That's unlikely given we, so far, have no idea what's wrong. It's looking a lot like the new PC has a flaw.
Might be the ftdi usb serial driver..
Please list what versions have been tried and on which PCs.
Please confirm what the crystal frequency is on its packaging and attach schematic for at least the crystal circuit.
And schematics for voltage regulators and the FTDI chip. And a photo of the board might be good too.
I just tried using an older version of Prop Tool and it worked completely fine. No errors at all.
And newest PropTool works on older PC? Please list version numbers.
The previous PC had ver2.6.3. The version that I downloaded from the website and installed on the new PC website is ver2.9.3. I simply uninstalled the newer version and replaced it with 2.6.3 and that worked fine.
Ah, so probably nothing to do with PC then. Try using latest Pnut as well -
Did 2.6.3 have the P2 debug feature already?
Another option is drop the 2.7.0 Beta over top of the 2.6.3 install -
If that works then try the 2.8.0 Beta as well -
2.6.0 is based on Pnut v35q
2.7.0 is based on Pnut v35s
2.8.0 is based on Pnut v36
2.9.0 is based on Pnut v37
2.9.3 is based on Pnut v38
Apparently, it seems so. And it's working fine now.
Sure, I will give them a try.
Thank you everyone for your valued suggestions.