P2 microPython

I recently purchased a P2 Edge Module Breadboard. After following the instructions to flash the board with uPython, I have some newbie observations:
The only means apparent to communicate with the board is using PuTTY. Using this, I am able to turn the LED (pin-56) on and off. Thrilling!
Tried to get theMu Editor to work with the board, but it doesn't seem to recognize it. It would be great to have a development environment to try out the P2, but alas ... only PuTTY, so far!
I haven't found a P2-specific tutorial for microPython. This would be nice.
Parallax would make things less frustrating if there were links to get beginners going on this board, specifically using uPython.
I might find it easier to go back to trying the Spin language, in order to get familiar with the P2. There appears to be a higher volume of support in that direction. With this said (and I don't see this mentioned in my searching the the Parallax site) how does one take this board back to its factory default and allow me to get with using Spin?
Thank you for letting me 'vent'!
I'd download the Prop Tool from Parallax and see if you can "Identify" the board (look for this in the menu).
If that works, you should be able to program RAM and/or Flash from Prop Tool in the Spin2 language.
Just make sure to save your code with ".spin2" extension first or it with think it's a Spin1 program (that won't work with P2).
Thank you!
That worked just fine. At least I am now able to run some of the examples.
Kind regards,
Hi Michael
We did some video tutorials in the P2 live forums using Mu - for example
https://youtube.com/watch?v=v89XOJk5sKg (about 15 mins in)
The P2 is like the ESP32 in Mu - they're somewhat transparent (they just work in terminal mode), unlike say the Microbit. If you have MicroPython working in Putty it should also work fine in any other terminal, including Mu. Sometimes we hear of driver or OS related issues that get in the way.
I know the led blinking is a bit boring, but its so much better than when you can't get to that critical stage. What were you hoping to do with the P2?
Lachlan aka tubular
Hello Lachlan,
Thank you for this!
While the video is useful, it does lack the instructions for a newbie to get setup to the point where (your presentation of) the video becomes something to follow along.
A 'how-to' guide for the P2 in the Mu Editor environment would be wonderful. It would be useful to include:
Having this in a document form is much handier than trying to pick up things in a video. Perhaps that's just me!?
Regarding what I hope to do with the P2 ...
I am a licensed ham radio operator, so my projects tend to follow that hobby. Currently I'd like to use uPython on the P2 to interact with a Nextion display to control some radios. I'm awaiting the delivery of an I2C to relay interface PCB I've designed. This would be nice to interact with the Nextion display.
I do get frustrated (at my old age!) trying to fight the tools that allow me to do development. I do appreciate all that you and many others are doing to educate those of us trying to get started.
Kind regards,