Vintage Computer Federation West (August 4 - 5, 2023)

If you are close to Mountain View California, there is going to be a great chance to see some vintage (1960's,70's,80's+) computers in operation in various exhibits. The Vintage Computer Federation West will be going on at the Computer History Museum, which is also a great place to visit.…
I will exhibiting a collection of vintage LED microprocessor based signs:
In addition to the Electronic Signs I will also have my Propeller P2 Demo setup there along with copies of the P2 spec sheet to hand out to interested people that stop by.
Please drop by to enjoy the exhibits and to say "Hi".
Some of my guys from the VCF East will be there to support their fellows at the Western division. Their biggest problem was in figuring out how in the name of things that bleep when they work they can get everything they need to self-promote there, especially since it's expensive to ship one or two tons of stuff cross country. So you're getting extra effort from my friends. Oh and look out for a bigfoot. The friendly big guy will be along from one of his homes from around Eureka to visit your show.
The mascots were not involved in the writing of this message.
East to West is a long trek, glad to have the support...
The Vintage Computer Federation West Festival had great attendance, even on Friday.
I had a number of visitors to my exhibit on "Electronic Signs using vintage microprocessor/micro-controllers". The most common reaction to my exhibit was about the JVF 4010A Sign using an internal Intel 80286 based motherboard to control/run the sign, most people thought it was a bit of overkill in terms of computing power. The manufacturer of the JVF 4010A Sign used an off-the-shelf 80286 motherboard so they could have use of a Floppy Disk and a Keyboard to make it easier for their customers to program/use the sign.
I handed out a dozen or so Propeller P2 spec sheets to those interested in the Propeller P2 Demo I had setup. Most of the people that knew anything about the Propeller P2 weren't aware that they were available now, we need to keep working on getting the word out about the P2.
Here is a link to a couple of short videos of my exhibit.
Still wish I had held on to my IMSAI. It grew from original 8080 cpu mb and 4k ram to Z80 64k 22slot mb in IMSAI case with linear ps you could have welded with. Had 3P+S and a/d board. Originally ASR-33 then HZ19 terminal. 8" DSDD drives as well.And of course paper tape, the only media you could visually verify the contents.
Awesome, @"Francis Bauer" !
I have my Dad's IMSAI. Dark & dormant now but I'll get to it some day. It only took me 22 years to get back to my Corvair!
Nice, maybe someone can print you a Ralph Nader hood ornament.
yeah, @erco, it took just 22 years for your daughter to be old enough to twist your arms to fix the Corvair...
It took 13 years for them to be able to do my dirtywork!