TM1637 I2C interface with BS2 family - help needed

in BASIC Stamp
I recently got a pair of 6-digit serial displays utilizing the TM1637 control chip. I find all kinds of examples on-line but ALL use an Arduino. Does anyone have any code examples of how to use a BS2 series to drive it? A pix of the display board is attached.
I've written code for a similar display using the Propeller, but never a BS2. As Spin is much easier to understand than Schmarschmino C++, maybe the attached code will help you. The interface is kind of like I2C -- but not I2C. Since I2C (slow) is possible with the BS2, you may be able to pull this off.
I appreciate your response but am NOT a good code writer. I barely understand the Propeller (or Arduino or Pi or etc). Standard look-alike Basic is as deep as I can master.
But thanks anyway. I'll just hold my breath until someone with my capabilities has an answer I can understand.
Have a great day Jon.
And you never will be unless you put on your big-boy pants and write more code. Yeah, I know it can be hard. There is no way around that, so you sometimes have to plow through it. Give it a try. It's fun.
Wait, what?
I thought I'd put on my own big boy pants and give it a try. I made it work. The only TM1637 display I have handy is a spare from a prop I coded (P1) for a TV show, so this example only uses 4 digits, but the code should work with any TM1637 display.
EDIT: While fixing a "gotcha" I tried SHIFTOUT (versus a code loop); it works and improves display speed by a large margin.
EDIT 2: Morning after review. Added comments. Added routine to write whole display. Demonstrates pre-built messages in DATA tables.
Jon -
I very much appreciate your help. I'm much older than you think and in pre-A decline. Tried learning C++, Python, and the variants that make up the new world but simply couldn't get good enough to remember command structures and syntax like I used to. But, BS2 basic look-alike is still imprinted and possible for me. Old dog and no new tricks but still enjoy what I can handle. I'm wearing my big boy pants but sometimes I still can't find my way home (mentally).
Thanks again for the help and being part of this community.
PS Jon:
BTW, have a look at the forum topic "Are there still active Basic stamp users here?". My last three projects are there with pix. Not dead yet, but can still wield a mean soldering iron.
Sorry to learn of your struggles. When cancer spread to my best friend's brain he asked me to keep an eye on him and teach him everything I could -- even though he had just months to live. For him, giving up on learning (something he dearly loved) meant a surrender to the cancer, something he could not abide.
Good luck to you. Keep learning. Keep living.