P1-Edge Modul
Since Parallax is reducing the Inventory it might be smart to build a P1-Edge Module to fit into the now newborn Accessory Line using the 12 pin headers.
It would simplify the needed connectors, P1 would fit into P2 mini-Breakout perfectly.
Just throwing this out here.
Putting the PropPlug connector directly on the Edge would reduce confusion.
I have thought about 2 X P1 on an Edge board.
I thought about creating a P1 Edge board, but went with a P1 Eval board for the FLiP instead.
Looks like Parallax only has a few Dip 40's in stock, but plenty of Q44's
My board is for the FLiP module. If you look carefully, it's nothing but connectors. The idea was to keep this easy and low cost.