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ActivityBot 360 Propeller Activity Board WX FeedBack 360 Encoder Calibration Servo Motor Conductivit — Parallax Forums

ActivityBot 360 Propeller Activity Board WX FeedBack 360 Encoder Calibration Servo Motor Conductivit

During feed back test P27 ( right servo) did not light ) Switch values in program then P26 (left servo ) does not light. Check all connection per tutorial - all correct ; Using BlocklyProp ; Activity WX board is a WX I purchased it last week . I first tried the calibration using the Propeller C had similar issue so I migrated over to blocklyprop to calibrate from scratch and encounter this issue
The servos do function , the issue appears to be in the pins P12, 13,14, 15 or the board
Programs appear to communicate with one servo but not to switch over when I move the other wheel ,
In Propeller C the cailbration display - one serve would not respond while the other did . I would switch the servo cables and the yellow wires and the opposite servo responded but the original servo would not
I can't figure this out Are there dead pins on the board ?

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