Oh No My PropScope is dead

in Accessories
I was just about to hook it up to the USB port when I thought I say a small spark and then nothing.
Oh no my prop scope is dead. I tried it couple of times and then tried a different port nothing.
I then rebooted the computer and tried again and nothing. I broke my Prop scope.
Yea, now I can get a better one.
So I took it apart and looked inside to see that the USB plug on the board was loose. I pushed it down and plugged it back in and there it was. Smile it works.
So I got out my trusty soldering iron and soldered it back down and also soldered down the pads on the back side. Apparently from plugging and unplugging I broke the solder that was holding the USB plug down.
False alarm the thing still works.
Good news about the PropScope, but a shame you removed your own excuse to treat yourself !!