
in Propeller 2
How many of you have seen my posting in the P1 area regarding an I2C object to talk to a new device? That one is a SeeSaw device created by Adafruit. It's an ATtiny loaded with special code to do just that. And it communicates with its hosts using I2C, and works naturally on the Pi, and of course on the Arduino. Code examples were written in Python3 for the Pi for using the SeeSaw, and naturally using the strange dialect that the Arduino uses. Was Python perfected for the P2? And to which standard? The device works best on the Python3 releases on the Pi by the way.
Two Mascots watching.
I'm probably missing the point here but why wouldn't one use a Pi Pico instead?
Board Specifications
Raspberry Pi Pico is a low-cost, high-performance microcontroller board with flexible digital interfaces, built on silicon designed at Raspberry Pi. Key features include:
There is also the Pico W which includes WiFi & Bluetooth.
And you are not. I know about the Pi Pico, and the Pi Pico WH (With Headers) and the Pico W who does that. I'd thought of the different Propeller boards for those curious ATtiny widgets because simply the Parallax hardware lineup was always my goto line well before the Pi families came out, and indeed before the Arduino line thinks it got easier to use. Oddly enough the examples for Python that Adafruit considers, do not show any of their Pico boards at work. But this does not explain why there is a visiting Scottish Wildcat exploring the trash bins nearest your location. He's already dumped the ones from the previous houses and convinced the other cats to come out and join him.
Plenty of Mascots.
Yeah, I use not the Pico but another RP2040 as a Prop peripheral (I/O expander, etc). In fact, I have four of them hanging off my P2.
Um, they are the same as the Pico. The Pico goes by the legend of RP2040.
Many mascots.
I have more free pins (a 4th ADC) and 8MB vs 2MB flash.