I have questions about jm_servo_multi.spin2
I am planing on using your above object in my project . Do You see any problems If I have 2 servos that I am running with Microseconds info and I set the base as 0 and the count as 2 and run startx. Then the next 6 are angles and I set the base as 3 and the count as 6 and run start , is this going to work OK? I will of course use the correct mode in a write command to each servo. From studying your code it looks OK to me If I adhere to the rules.
Jim: Can you attach the object you're using? Silly me, I seem to have overwritten the multi-version code with the single-version code in my library.
BTW, I am working on a port of my jm_servo8.spin (P1) that creates a servo cog for up to 8 servos and handles ramping, etc., with slightly better resolution (0.1us). Would that be better for your project? I think the code is done (will test).
Yes Jon,
The new code sounds perfect for my project. I am not at the same location as the file, but will attach and send soon.
Back at computer attached is multi servo object.I like the servo cog concept and the ramping is great. I hope that I can intermix Us position and angle as I will need both.
Do you also have a multi motor driver. The only motor driver I have found is jm_dc_motor.spin2, which is a single motor. I guess I could start 2 instances of it for 2 motors.
I kept the motor driver a singleton because it's cogless. You can use an array of objects, but I have only done that once in 16 years of Propeller programming. JonyJib uses that driver in their P2 based controller and we have to objects: panmotor and tiltmotor.
Give this a try and let me know if you run into anything out-of-sorts.
Will do.